Invited Speakers
A list of confirmed speakers is as follows:
Marie-Eve Aubin-Tam, Technical University Delft, the Netherlands
Tracking the activity of protein translocases at the single-molecule level
Jayanth Banavar, University of Maryland, Physics Department, College Park, USA
The geometry of life
Kerensa Broersen, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands
Tuning the architecture of amyloid beta fibrils
Arkadiusz Chworos, Centre of Molecular & Macromolecular Studies PAS, Lodz, POLAND
Synthetic RNA nanoparticles: their structure and function
Piotr Cieplak, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, San Diego, USA
Substrates recognition by matrix metalloproteinases
Patricia Clark, University of Notre Dame, Biochemistry Department, South Bend, USA
Assembly of Diverse Proteins Into Stable, Macroscopic, Rope-like Fibers
Michael Feig, Michigan State University, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, USA
Structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules at cellular scales
Michael Hinczewski, Case Western Reserve University, Physics Department, Cleveland, USA
Gripping tales of cellular adhesion: design principles of catch bonds
Trinh Xuan Hoang, Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology, Hanoi, VIETNAM
Modeling DNA condensates
Laura Itzhaki, Department of Pharmacology, Cambridge University, UK
Tandem-repeat proteins: regularity plus modularity equals design-ability
Mariusz Jaskolski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, POLAND
PR-10 proteins as versatile phytohormone binders
Andrzej Kloczkowski, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Battelle Center for Mathematical Medicine, USA
Fractal properties of proteins
Elizabeth Komives, U.C. San Diego, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, La Jolla, USA
Functional consequences of disorder in the NFkB signaling pathway
Magda Konarska, The Rockefeller University, New York, USA
The spliceosome: What it is, how does it work, and where did it come from?
Malgorzata Lekka, Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS, Krakow, POLAND
Mechanosensing by normal and cancerous cells
Emmanuel Levy, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, ISRAEL
Protein super-assemblies are frequently visited during the course of evolution
Koby Levy, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, ISRAEL
Transient interactions between proteins and DNA and their role in regulatory processes
Jaroslaw Majewski, Los Alamos National Laboratory & University of California, Davis, USA
Neutron and X-ray scattering studies of bio-interfaces: from model lipid membranes to living cell cultures under flow stress
Wladek Minor, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA
Reproducibility in structural biology
Anna Mitraki, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
From protein folding to self-assembling bionanomaterials and applications
Hannes Neuweiler, Biozentrum Universitat Wuerzburg, GERMANY
Native-state protein dynamics detected from single-molecule fluorescence fluctuations
Marcin Nowotny, International Institute of Molecular & Cell Biology, Warsaw, POLAND
Molecular mechanisms in DNA repair and recombination
Marta Pasenkiewicz-Gierula, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, POLAND
Self-organisation of cholesterol in water
Christopher J. Russo, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
Controlling protein adsorption on suspended graphene for electron cryomicroscopy
Pier-Andrea Temussi, University of Naples, Department of Chemistry, ITALY
The role of cold denaturation in assessing protein stability
Damien Thompson, University of Limerick, IRELAND
Tuning the strength of van der Waals interactions in organic-inorganic interfaces
Ceslovas Venclovas, Vilnius University, Institute of Biotechnology, LITHUANIA
Interatomic contact areas as a means for the analysis and assessment of protein 3D structure