Laboratory of Geomicrobiology
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geology
93 Żwirki & Wigury St., 02-089 Warsaw
tel. +48 22 55 40 321, e-mail:
Head: Andrzej Borkowski
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The scientific profile of the Geomicrobiology Laboratory at the Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, encompasses interactions between microorganisms and the abiotic environment. The research in the Laboratory is focused on microbial processes such as: biotransformation of mineral phases under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, the toxicity of xenobiotic compounds and minerals relative to the microorganisms, biodegradation of organic matter, the role of bacteria in bioremediation of groundwater contamination, and practical aspects of the use of microorganisms in biotechnology. A particular area of the
research is adsorption of microorganisms on the surface of different materials and minerals, including the formation of biofilms, and cytotoxic effects of such interactions.
The Geomicrobiology Laboratory is equipped with culturing facilities for microorganisms under different conditions. One of the most important devices is a 10-channel respirometric system, able to measure gases (CO2, O2, CH4, H2, H2S and NO2) produced as a result of biochemical activity in the tested samples.
The Laboratory possesses a high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC), a gas chromatograph, a spectrofluorimeter and spectrophotometers, an epifluorescence microscope, devices for environmental epifluorescence microscope, devices for environmental samples preparation (freeze-dryer, the SPE system) and II-class laminar flow chamber.
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Publications based on the research performed in this NanoFun Laboratory:
Carpathians, south-eastern Poland). Geomicrobiology Journal. 2013; 30(3): 268-277. link
2. Borkowski A, Parafiniuk J, Wolicka D, Kowalczyk P. Geomicrobiology of Acid Mine Drainage in the weathering zone of pyrite-bearing schists in the Rudawy Janowickie Mountains (Poland). Geological Quarterly. 2013; 57(4):601-612. link
3. Wolicka D. Jarzynowska L. Microbiological reduction of sulphates in salty environments and mineralogical
characterization of the transformation products. Geomicrobiology Journal. 2012; 29(6): 528-536. link
4. Szala M, Borkowski A. Toxicity assessment of SiC nanofibers and nanorods against bacteria. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2014; 100: 287-293. link
5. Borkowski A, Szala M. Toxic effect assessment of aminotetrazoles and high-energetic azotetrazole salts on soil microbial respiration. Chemistry and Ecology. 2014; in press. link
6. Borkowski A, Rydelek P, Szala M. Adsorption studies of azotetrazolate and 3,6-dihydrazinotetrazine on peat. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. 2013; 48(8):905-911. link
7. Borkowski A, Szala M, Wolicka D. Influence of 1,2,4,5-tetrazine derivatives on growth of bacterial consortium isolated from soil. Chemistry and Ecology. 2013; 27(1):1-12.