PPMS Sample Preparation Laboratory
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
Group of low dimensional magnetics ON-3.3
building X, room 116
head of the laboratory: Anna Ślawska-Waniewska
Laboratory equipment
- Glove box – PLAS LABS model #830-EXP
Glove box, as a whole, is formed of rigid acrylic plastic. Its standard features are: two glove ports, transfer chamber, multiple electrical outlet strip in main working chamber and four valves for purging (two for the main working chamber and the transfer chamber). Transfer chamber, located on the sidewall of the main working chamber, is tipped on both sides with the doors – one of the doors opens into the main working chamber, the second one allows access to the transfer chamber from outside. All door clamps are stainless steal. Total volume of the glove box is equal ~ 317 liters. Operation in the glove box can be performed in a noble gases atmosphere.
- Analytical balance – Sartorius model CPA26P-0CE
The balance has two ranges of maximum capacity - up to 5 g (with the scale interval of .002 mg) and up to 21 g. (with the sensitivity 0.01 mg). The balance switches between the ranges automatically. The weighing pan is surrounded by glass box. Accesses to the weighing chamber are provided with sliding doors located on the both sides and at the top of the glass box. - Rotating Shaker – Cole-Parmer model 07637-04
Shaker allows to mix liquids horizontally, vertically, or any position in between. Shaker could accommodate 36 capsules with a capacity of 1.5/2.0 ml. Each platform can rotate independently with respect to the axis of revolution. Shaker speed is 20 rpm. - Ultrasonic cleaner – Bandelin model DT 100 H
Ultrasonic cleaner, which generates a wave with a frequency of 35 kHz, allows cleaning instruments used for samples preparation in water or other aqueous solutions. In the case of substances that can react with the interior of the ultrasonic cleaner an additional container should be inserted. Total capacity of the ultrasonic cleaner is 3 liters, while minimal capacity required to run the instrument is 2 liters. Ultrasonic cleaner has temperature control of a cleaning solution ranging form 20o do 80o C and is also equipped with the option of selecting working time. The whole set-up is covered with high quality stainless steal. - Desiccator – PLAS-LABS model 860-CG
Acrylic desiccator permits storage of samples in the atmosphere of a selected gas. Desiccator is equipped with two perforated shelves and a hygrometer.
Physical Property Measurement System PPMS for magnetic measurements
Measurement platform PPMS (Physical Property Measurement System, Quantum Design) enables measurements several parameters such as magnetic moment, magnetic susceptibility, torque, electrical resistance and magnetoresistivity in the temperature range from 1.9 to 400 K and in magnetic fields ±9 Tesla. In order to measure a selected physical parameter, appropriate measurement option is installed into the main system.
- VSM magnetometer allows to measure the magnetic moment of powder, liquid and bulk samples in a function of magnetic field and temperature (1.9-400 K). With the VSM option, measurements can be performed on samples with the weight smaller then 1 gram and signals grater then 7∙10-7 emu. Additionally the VSM option is additionally equipped with bigger measuring coil set (VSM Large Bore), which enables measurements on samples with the weight smaller then 2 grams and accuracy of 10-6 emu. High temperature measurements are achievable with VSM Oven option, which allows controlling the temperature in the range from 300 to 1000 K.
- ACMS option allows to measure AC/DC magnetization in the temperature range from 1.9 to 350 K. AC susceptibility can be measured in an alternating magnetic field with an amplitude form 2 mOe to 15 Oe and frequency from 10 Hz to 10 kHz. Accuracy of the measurements in 10 kHz is equal 5∙10-8 emu. ACMS option permits also to measure DC magnetization in the range 2.5∙10-5 - 5 emu as well as the AC susceptibility measurements in a static magnetic field.
- Resitivity option allows installation of three samples and measurements of the resistance and conductivity in the current range 0.01 - 5000 μA and voltage range 1 - 95 mV. Measurements of the resistvity and magnetoresistivity can be performed in a magnetic field up to 9 T and in the temperature range 1.9 – 300 K.
- Torque magnetometer can be used for the anisotropy investigations with measurements of angular dependences of a torque exerted on a sample by the magnetic field. This option allows to perform measurements on bulk and layered samples smaller then 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 mm3 in the horizontal and vertical orientation to the direction of the magnetic field in the fields up to 9T and in the temperature range 1.9 – 300 K. The maximum torque is ~10-5 Nm.
- Ultra Low Field options (available with VSM and ACMS) permit resetting of a remnant field in the sample chamber with an accuracy of 0.05 Oe as well as precise setting of a small magnetic field (up to several tens of Oe).
Publications based on the research performed in this NanoFun Laboratory
- N. Nedelko, S. Lewińska, A. Pashchenko, I. Radelytskyi, R. Diduszko, E. Zubov, W. Lisowski, J.W. Sobczak, K. Dyakonov, A. Ślawska-Waniewska, V. Dyakonov, H. Szymczak, Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect in La0.7Sr0.3-xBixMnO3 manganites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 640 (2015) 433–439, link
- P. A. Misiuna, P. Dłużewski, T. Wojciechowski, S. Lewińska, A. Ślawska-Waniewska, A. Wawro, M. Wiater, T. Wojtowicz, L.T. Baczewski, Magnetic and Structural Study of (ZnTe)/Co Core-Shell Nanowires Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Acta Physica Polonica A, February 2015, p. 517, DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.127.517, link
- Natalia Nedelko, Arkadiusz Kornowicz, Iwona Justyniak, Pavlo Aleshkevych, Daniel Prochowicz, Piotr Krupiński, Orest Dorosh, Anna Ślawska-Waniewska, Janusz Lewiński, Supramolecular Control over Molecular Magnetic Materials: γ-Cyclodextrin-Templated Grid of Cobalt(II) Single-Ion Magnets, Inorg. Chem., 2014, 53 (24), pp 12870–12876, DOI: 10.1021/ic501870h, link
- Carla Albetina Demarchi, Aline Debrassi, Fátima de Campos Buzzi, Rogério Corrêa,Valdir Cechinel Filho, Clovis Antonio Rodrigues, Natalia Nedelko, Pavlo Demchenko, Anna Ślawska-Waniewska, Piotr Dłużewski, Jean-Marc Greneche, A magnetic nanogel based on O-carboxymethylchitosan for antitumor drug delivery: Synthesis, characterization and in vitro drug release, Soft Matter, 2014, DOI: 10.1039/C3SM53157K, link