NanoFun Project
The project entitled „National Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Functional Nanomaterials – NanoFun” is financed by Innovative Economy Operational Programme , Priority Axis 2: R&D Infrastructure, Action 2.2: Support of Formation of Common Research Infrastructure of Scientific Units.
The project has been awarded and is implemented by the NanoBioGeo consortium consisting of 10 institutional partners: 9 academic and one high-tech spin-off company.
Realization Period: 2008 - 2014
Budget: 54 135 857.08 PLN (ca. 13 500 000 EUR)
ERDF: 46 015 478.52 PLN (ca. 11 500 000 EUR)

- Ultrafast microfluidic systems in biochemical research
- Biotechnology of the cell for medical applications and environmental protection
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